Tuesday 19 November 2013

Step from Floor to Floor

Hi all .. i am not talking about the floor like the title =) .. I am going to tell you about our STAIRCASE and HAND RAILING .. Feel the sensation of modernity when you going up or going down

Clip Type Glass Staircase with Clear Glass

Clip Type Glass Staircase with Green Glass

Embedded Glass Staircase with Clear Glass and Round Stainless Steel Hand Railing

Clip Type Glass Staircase with Green Glass and Stainless Steel Hand Railing

Steel Post Glass Staircase with clear Glass and Stainless Steel Hand Railing

Embedded Glass Staircase with Clear Glass and Round Wood Hand Railing

Steel Post Glass Staircase with Green Glass and Wood Hand Railing

Clip Type Glass Staircase 

Clip Type Glass Staircase

Clip Type Glass Staircase

Clip Type Glass Staircase

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